Latest Stimulus Bill | IT Project Management Tips | Today’s COVID-19 Updates
Happy Tuesday!
So there is a new stimulus bill in the works and I just saw this article about it.
Latest Corona Virus Stimulus Bill
I found this especially interesting:
“On ending the additional $600 in unemployment benefits the federal government was supplying, Kudlow argued that the extra money was hurting small businesses from hiring workers. “We have had a flood of inquiries and phone calls and complaints that small stores and businesses, restaurants can’t hire people back,” he said. “They went too far. Maybe last March, it was necessary for that, but, really, there are consequences of people not returning to work.” Mnuchin earlier in the day on “Fox News Sunday” said it a little more bluntly: “I think workers and Americans understand the concept that you shouldn’t be paid more to stay home than to work.” Mnuchin said the new bill will provide additional unemployment benefits, but noted that it will be less than the payments issued under the CARES Act. He said some workers were collecting more than they earned on the job. As a result, when businesses were reopening some employees did not have an incentive to return to work.”
At CK we tried to hire someone several weeks back that said “naa, I am making more (than the job paid) sitting at home”. I get that when all this went down they were moving fast and perhaps overlooked the possibility of these scenarios, but I am certainly glad they are fixing them. You could call it an ethical issue for someone to turn down a job because the unemployment check is more than what they could earn – but we just shouldn’t put people in the position to have to choose. That’s like laying $100 bills all over the office and having hidden cameras so you can fire anyone that touches one. Anyway, I am glad they are fixing it.
I am also glad that there was money available for people during the beginning of all this when places like restaurants were closed completely. I am also VERY grateful that in our business almost everyone was able to work from home. Many businesses did not have that luxury. I remember when all this first started some restaurants trying to hang on by doing take out. I was going to every restaurant around my house daily trying to do my little part to keep them going, but it wasn’t anywhere near enough. For those reasons I am glad that this unemployment was available when it was. Most people were not working not out of their own choice, but because there just was no work to do. But now we must start reeling this back in.
Your thoughts? How has this been a blessing to you or someone you know during this time?
From Joe, our friendly Safety Supplies Product Marketer:
Carrying some sort of method of sanitation on your person at all times has become a norm. I’m not talking about only hand sanitizer either. Anything from eye glass cleaner, soap, deodorizers, household cleaners, face sprays and any other mixtures that are used daily. We have an array of bottles, including spray pens and personal size bottles, that are perfect for dispensing any liquids you throw their way! Check ’em out.
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