Doing the hard things first | Bargains on Deals Site | Shoe covers
Happy Monday!
Welcome to the beginning of a whole new week. I hope you had a good and restful / fun weekend with friends and family. As long/hard as I work all week I have really come to look forward to the weekends when I have two entire days to do things other than work on the business. There are certainly times (seasons) when I have to work all the time (like when we first started selling Safety Supplies) so I am very grateful for the season I am in right now where I don’t have to. I hope that you take the time to appreciate the season you are in – even when it is “the busy season”. I have found gratitude and gratefulness in the busy seasons knowing that there will come a time they will be over with, and the hard work will hopefully pay off.
“Do the hard things first” – Writing the above makes me think about one of my tendencies/preferences, and something I try to encourage others to adopt. Whenever I have the option to do something fun or enjoyable, or knock out something that needs to get done, I tend to “do the hard things first” and knock out the thing that needs to get done. There is something very motivating to me about the delayed gratification of doing something I enjoy AFTER I have done what needs to be done. If I need to take the trash to the road, but I want to watch TV – I will go ahead and take the trash to the road and think about what I want to watch while I am doing it (I have a looong driveway). When I get back, I can more fully enjoy watching TV without the guilt of knowing there is something that needs to get done. I’ll also tend to knock out a few other things while I am “in motion” like taking something to the car that needs to go to the office, etc. There are limits of course. There is ALWAYS something that “needs to get done” so you have to know where to draw the line. I think it’s easy to “feel” when you are facing the decision. Think about doing the hard things first for a while and see how that might change things for you.
Bargains to be had in the CK in the CK Deals site – Since the big inventory blowout sale has been over we have been able to use the Deals area of the site more purely for what it was originally intended for. As of this writing there are 11 items that are on sale and showing up in the deals area and we will have more coming soon. Be sure to go take a look and check it out often! A few things to note right now:
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