Who Am I? Part 3 | Self-discovery Tools | Gloves & Hand Sanitizer | Aim for the Terminator | News to Start Your Day
Who Am I? – Part 3 (A personal and CK Story)
[This is Part 3 of a personal/CK history story. This post can be read on its own. If you’d like full context, feel free to read Part 1 and Part 2 first.]
It is Friday, friends! I’m keeping things a little lighter (but not shorter, haha) today.
After my experience with a deepening faith and letting go of the need to prove myself over and over, I really wanted to understand who I was at my core. What was I made to do? Is a person made to do just one thing?
I believe there are many ways to take the journey of self discovery, and I see value in employing tools to help along the way. In business and in personal relationships, using the same language to discuss differences and strengths creates alignment. It is one of the reasons tools like Enneagram are so popular. Do you know your Enneagram number? (I am a 5w6, “the Investigator”.)
A few years into running CK, we began using several different personality tests to help us determine if a candidate is a good fit for a position. We also have done some fun internal team building exercises. I enjoy getting to know more about everyone in that way. I like it when things are organized by like type, even people, ha.
One of the things I discovered in my testing is WHY I am passionate about helping others understand themselves and find a place to flourish in work and in life. It is one of the things I missed most about work life: interviewing, hiring and building teams that work well together.
Does your business use any tools for hiring and team building? Have you found them helpful or not useful at all?
The three main tools that we use at CK are: the DiSC, PIAV assessment, and the CliftonStrengths Assessment.
If you’ve been around “personality testing” at all in your job or otherwise, you’ve probably heard of the DiSC profile. It gives you letters, D (dominance), I (influence), S (steadiness), C (conscientiousness), associated with behaviors that together describe how you likely react to situations. Useful for team building for sure.
The PIAV – Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values assessment – gives you insight into the why behind your behaviors. What is motivating you to behave or react the way that you do?
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