Confessions | Gloves Everywhere | 3850 Series Switches | What’s My Role? | News to Start Your Day
Happy Tuesday!
October 19th is Office Chocolate Day & National Suspenders Day…so wear your suspenders while eating chocolate today! (whether you are in the office or not)
Ok, you guys. Can I confess something to you? Some days it is hard to write these emails. On the hard days I either feel stuck in a “what in the world do I have to say that is interesting?” mode, or other days anything I may want to share feels vulnerable. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to overcome or push through those things (don’t worry I don’t picture you all in your underwear). But then there are days like today where we receive really impactful and meaningful emails from customers and … wow! Knowing we’re making an impact in someone’s everyday life, bringing a smile to their face or meeting a need they have by what we’re doing and how we do it, is real motivation.
One of our core values is Make it About Relationship, and the emails we receive with wonderful stories of how our team has impacted someone’s life helps me know that they are really living that out. I am a proud “mama bear” in those moments, and it makes me want to find more ways we can positively impact lives.
Some of you receiving this email came to us because you needed safety supplies, and we had them in stock. Others of you are a customer because of our core business, which is technology products. When COVID hit and PPE was difficult to find, we had customers ask us if we could source it for them. That began our journey into PPE, and it has been great for us. We strived to offer products at great prices, found products that others weren’t able to offer though they did come at a premium cost (I’m looking at you Clorox wipes), and will always seek to ship products quickly and provide exceptional (and unexpectedly positive) service. I think we always knew that selling PPE was a season for us, as masks and gloves and other safety supplies would at some point (and are now) more widely available. That leads me to confession #2: a couple of weeks ago we made the decision to begin exiting our safety supplies season.
Letting customers in on “inside information” probably isn’t considered a best business practice. To be fully transparent about it, we are hoping you will help us exit this season gracefully. As of right now we still have great stock levels on many products, but as we sell out of them, we do not currently plan to re-stock the shelves. We have learned SO much through this journey (I hope to be able to write about some of those lessons soon), and we are looking forward to being able to take those lessons and apply them to our core group of technology products. I hope you’ll continue to buy your masks, gloves and other safety supplies from us as long as we have it (and feel free to share the great deals coming your way with your friends). We would also love to serve you with any technology needs that you have now or in the future.
With much appreciation for each of you,
Today’s Product Updates from Rebecca:
[Read more…] about CEO Daily Update – 10.20.2020