Rest, Star Trek, Webcam and N95 price drops
Top of the Thursday to ya!
You have come to expect random from me by now. There was an episode of Seinfeld about muffin tops. In the episode there was a muffin top store called “Top of the muffin to ya”. That’s what ran through my mind as I was thinking about today’s greeting. Haha. At least I can laugh at myself.
I was sitting here staring at the screen trying to think of what I wanted to write about tonight (you’ll get this tomorrow morning) and was drawing an absolute blank, which caused me to think … I have been realizing over the past couple days that I am slowing down. I have been going 1000 miles an hour for many weeks and can FEEL that I need a break. I don’t want to take a break, but I’ll be better if I take one. This weekend is my daughter’s 7th birthday and we have family and friends coming to town. As a starting place, I will attempt to disconnect for the weekend, starting Friday. We will see what that does to me.
After watching Star Trek The Next Generation growing up, and recently watching Picard and Discovery, I decided to watch the Original Star Trek Series. I am watching tonight as I write this email (I am toward the end of season 2) and I think it is so funny how pronounced William Shatner’s speech pattern is. I googled it just now and found this short video where he briefly talked about it, which is pretty funny.
Here are a few product announcements for today.
Price reduction on our Webcam – I am working on other models/options as well. Stay tuned
Price drop on 3M N95 Masks
We have all sorts of new things in the works and will continue to announce them here!
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