I hope you find today’s edition of the CEO Daily helpful. If you have tips, tricks, encouraging words, or something light-hearted to share, please let me know and I will try to include them in future emails! Also, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on any of the subjects below!
Tuesday Highlights:
- Face Masks
- Hand Sanitizer
- Customer Feedback
- Customer Spotlight
- Tips of the Day
- Tee Hee Hee
- CK Inventory Updates
- Today’s COVID-19 updates
Face Masks:
10,000 KN95’s and 20,000 disposable masks should be here by Thursday or Friday. I have also located a domestic source for masks and will have them on the site soon. Literally MILLIONS of masks are available. They are a little more expensive but are available right away. WILL EMAIL LINKS TO THE NEW MASKS SOON.
Standard Masks: