Happy Friday!
Several weeks ago a great friend of mine, Jason Montoya, interviewed me for his Inspirational People series. What a blast!
You can listen or watch. Here it is: https://www.jasonscottmontoya.com/inspiration/people/537-craig-haynie
We talk about my weight loss, Crohn’s disease diagnosis, and alternate paths and what causes outcomes in our lives. We talk about how COVID has forced people into thinking about doing things in ways different from what has been normal. At CK we had to learn how to work from home effectively – how we would run meetings via video, interact with external people, etc. Once we figured out how to make it work, we became more effective than we were before.
You’ll hear about my early childhood growing up poor and struggling in school, and my journey from the trailer park to becoming an entrepreneur to starting CablesAndKits, and beyond.
I talk about my Plan, Build, Run framework and how that is a part of how we are transforming CablesAndKits. After 13 years of $1M year over year growth we found ourselves plateaued for 5 years and came to realize that as Einstein said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”. Realizing that there are generally three distinct rhythm types needed in business was an eye-opener for us and realizing and navigating how to structure roles to leverage these rhythms has been the journey we have been on.
I talk about how the outcome is more important than the friction we encounter, and discovering where you want to go is a prerequisite to the conviction needed to get there. You have to have the will to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.
We talk about how we ended up selling Safety Supplies and the importance of the entrepreneur being near the front edges of the business, not living in the middle, which turned out to be the reason we plateaued for 5 years.
We also discuss our three-pillar approach to building a business unit – Product, Marketing, and Channel, and how visibility and accountability results in sustainability.
And so much more! Give it a listen and give me your thoughts and feedback! I always love to hear from you.
From Joe, our friendly Safety Supplies Product Marketer:
WOW! Yesterday I mentioned Lysol wipes are back on the site again and I didn’t think they’d last long, and they didn’t! By the time lunch rolled around we were sold out of every single Lysol wipe we had. Crazy! Don’t worry though, we have plenty of other Cleaning wipes that will get the job done as well as some other variations on the way!
[Read more…] about CEO Daily Update – 7.24.2020