Word for The Year | Gloves Back in Stock | Don’t Be A Know-It-All | News to Start Your Day
It’s Friday!!
(October 16th is National Boss’s Day. National Sports Day, and Global Cat Day…so take your pick on which to celebrate today.)
Well, it’s Friday and I’m not Christin. lol! She asked if I could fill in for her today and I always enjoy getting to talk to all of you.
If you are like me, then you are probably just as surprised as I am that we are already in mid-October. It is crazy how quickly this month has flown by, even how fast this year has gone by at times. I was joking with a buddy the other day about the craziness of this year and told him it felt like the year went like, “January, February, March, March, March, April, April, April, Ma-Ju-Jul-Aug-Sept-Oct.” I imagine the rest of the year will fly by just as fast, which means after Halloween next week, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be right around the corner before we know it.
Every year, I end it by reflecting on the past year and then nailing down what I need to focus on for the next year. I usually try and narrow it down to one word or a short phrase. For 2020, my phrase for the year was “Focus on the things that REALLY matter.” At the core of it was to be intentional about my relationships, my time, my energy, my health, and my spiritual walk. Little did I know how different 2020 would be than what I thought it would be at the start of the year and that phrase and the meaning behind it took on a whole new intensity during the year. I realized some things weren’t worth my time, effort, and energy and were just a distraction. Other things became more important, like my relationships and health, and gained more energy and time. The shift in focus has been very impactful for me both personally and professionally.
So, I have started the process already of looking towards 2021 (I think everyone has and just wants to move on from 2020, haha!). Right now, the concept for my word/phrase revolves around “Restore”. Not sure how it will evolve and what insights I will gain about it between now and the end of the year, but I am looking forward to continuing the process.
Have you ever done something like this? Do you usually have a focus for the year or do you just go with the flow? I don’t think either way is right or wrong, I think it is just different for each person depending on their personality. Just curious.
Hope you have a great Friday and weekend! It’s going to be chilly here in the South. I am ready for some real Fall weather!
Today’s Product Updates from Rebecca:
[Read more…] about CEO Daily Update – 10.16.2020