Brussel Sprout Recipe | Crohn’s Disease | KN95 Masks Price Drop | Personal Sized Sanitizer
Well well well … Monday Again! Wait, no … Tuesday.
You know we will all be a day off a day the whole week! I hope everyone had a great long weekend though! We got a last minute invite along with a few other couples to a friend’s house to have dinner and hang out around the pool. It was very much needed to have a little social interaction!
A Brussel Sprout Recipe…
They were grilling hamburgers and hotdogs and due to my dietary restrictions (see below), I made my own meal and took it with me. While doing so I accidentally created something I am going to tell you about below. Didn’t you know this was also a cooking show? So, one of the things I can eat right now is brussel sprouts. I like them fine boiled, but I have a funky way of making cabbage that is delicious and make brussel sprouts the same way. Basically, I cut the ends off, and then slice them into about 4-5 pieces. When you do, and stir them, they break apart making ribbons of sorts. So what I do is use some olive oil, put them in the pan, add salt and pepper, and cook them (stirring often) for a little while to sort of get the oil in there. Then, I add some water and stir and cook, tasting until they are as tender as I want them. OH … I forgot it today but I also add just a touch of apple cider vinegar. It’s good, you should try it.
… Accidentally Turned into Cole Slaw
But today, I didn’t feel like slicing till my fingers fell off, so I wondered if I could use the Vitamix to do it faster. I am fairly new to cooking and don’t know what I am doing. I put a handful of the them in there but apparently it was on the DESTROY setting. It made what looked like cole slaw. Hmmm …… I added salt and pepper, a little avocado oil (I would just as quickly use olive oil), and then a little vegan mayo. (I am not vegan, but I have an egg allergy). It was GOOD. I took it to our friend’s house and let several people try it. They all loved it. I shall now work on tweaking this recipe! I feel so fancy!