Working From The Road | Woodchucks? | Hand Sanitizer Blowout | Egalitarian Time
Happy Thursday!
Welcome to the CablesAndKits CEO daily email. Read more about this email by scrolling to the very bottom.
I am still on the journey home. I left Tampa yesterday and got to Tifton, GA last night around 8pm. I got setup, took the car loose and went to get something to eat (so cool!), and got back and to bed! I have an all day CK strategy meeting today that I will do from the camper. Then I’ll make the final leg home where the wife and girls can see the motorhome. I am excited to see what they think!
Check out the Safety Supply deals Joe mentions below. The hand sanitizer is especially of note – we are blowing it out and starting over. Our sanitizer is not from any factory that had methanol issues by the way! Now that people can get sanitizer in every familiar store it’s time for us to clear the shelves and regroup. Oh, and he now has Lysol spray!
I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard …
A wildlife technician, Richard Thomas, took the famous tongue twister, “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” and calculated a rough estimate of what the answer would actually be. It came out to be around 700 pounds.
Today’s Product Spotlight from Rerun (AKA Rebecca):
Today’s product spotlight features a 10G transceiver that we love! The SFP-10G-LR transceiver module was designed for long-range transmission. It supports 10 Gbps data transfer rates over a distance of 10 kilometers (that’s 6.2 miles!) using singlemode fiber. This hot-swappable SFP+ transceiver is a fantastic option for satisfying connectivity needs in large data centers, enterprise wiring closets, large campuses, and more!
We offer 3 versions of this module:
- Cisco Original – Factory Sealed
- Cisco Original – Refurbished
- CK Branded (Cisco Compatible) – Factory Sealed
From Joe, our friendly Safety Supplies Product Marketer:
It’s Joe, I’m back! I know I missed a day, but I have enough good news for you guys to make up for it! First, we have another new product on the site! For a while now the only disinfectant spray’s we’ve had are Clorox. Well, we finally have a Lysol option available for you guys! This new Lysol All Purpose Cleaner is perfect for all you’re common household surfaces that require frequent cleaning and disinfecting! When it comes to the size and price this is very comparable to our Clorox Cleanup Spray except it doesn’t contain bleach which I know can be an issue in some situations!
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