Origins of Memorial Day, New Product: Amazon Echo Silver, Covid-19 Update
Happy Friday! (and Happy Memorial Day Weekend!)
Remember how I talked yesterday about lunacy? Well, our revenue was up 65% over the previous day which was already up over 100% over normal levels. The advertising/marketing is working! It was another crazy day for the shipping crew, but they got it done.
I don’t think I have ever been so glad to see a weekend, especially a long one, in my life. I am flat out running on fumes to the point (and I am not joking) that when I walk I sometimes think I am going to trip over my own feet and fall down. My wife told me that my job this weekend is to sleep. Not only is she right, but how sweet! She must love me …. Or she doesn’t want to have to clean me up if I die in a fall on her floor. Either way, I get to sleep like I’m in a coma and I can’t wait. A few weekends ago I slept 16 straight hours. I wonder if I can beat that record!
I know my staff is wore out too, especially the folks in our warehouse / fulfillment center. I’ve been up there helping them some and I can see the tiredness in some of their faces. More the warehouse manager than anyone – he’s running in 20 directions keeping the show on the road. I am so grateful to the entire team for every part of their contribution to what we have been doing. Our sales and customer service people, web developers and product folks, and even my wife, who have jumped at my every request, many times at 12, 1, 2, 3AM to get things ready to go live for these emails. e-comm/marketing, purchasing, accounting, and Gary who is our Administrative Officer making sure that as fast as I break all the rules we clean up my messes. I’d like to thank the Academy ….. (and my parakeet).
As we head into this holiday weekend you might be wondering, what exactly is Memorial Day? We all probably or hopefully know generally what it is about, but I thought I would do a little research and share the highlights since we are headed into the holiday weekend.