This week we celebrated the future heir to the CablesAndKits kingdom (or craziness whichever you prefer) by having a baby shower for our owners, Craig and Christin. Baby Haynie will be arriving very soon, so we had to make sure she had plenty of goodies to start life off the right way. It was an awesome party with some amazing food, and they got some really cool gifts. We are all looking forward to meeting the little lady when she arrives into this world!
This week we sent off the first shipment of items and supplies to Journey Church in Oklahoma for the relief efforts. Tony, one of our Shipping department extraordinaires, jumped right in to help organize and pack the boxes for us.If you remember, last week, we talked about partnering with Journey Church to help meet the needs of the hurting community after the tornado. We will be sending a shipment every Friday. You can read more about what CK is doing and how to help HERE.
Speaking of babies…they seem to be running rampant around the CK office! Jon, from our Inventory department, returned to work this week after taking some time off for the birth of his son! Little Cohen is doing great and Jon and his wife have adjusted well to their new lives as parents. I went and asked Jon for a picture of him with his baby and just like any proud papa he started showing me all of the pictures. It was a tough call, but this one was a good one. Congrats to Jon and his wife!
No this is not an image from a new Justice League of America movie. Today at the CK office we celebrated Superhero Day. It is always interesting to see what people will come up with on days like today. Kevin, from our Hardware department, dressed up in a full batman costume. Never a dull moment, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! We know all of you have been playing the video game Injustice, so who is your favorite superhero or super-villain? Hop over to our Facebook discussion and let us know!
Random Pic of the week!
Our photographer, Cris, returned from vacationing and visiting family in Hawaii this week. Cris has the amazing ability to capture the beauty of nature when he takes pictures and I believe you will agree with me that this picture is awesome! (Yes, he actually took this picture! He is THAT good!)