Well, I figured I would start it out with a bang this week! Part of the office celebrated CK Preppy Day this week. Trust me when I say these guys took this seriously and it was an all out competition. One guy, Kyle (one of our Sales Account Managers), decide he was not dressed good enough so he went home and had a “costume change” and brought back his golf clubs to kick it up a notch, and then to trump everyone else he went and did a prep photo shoot at the lake. Kyle did win best overall…Congrats Kyle! Around CK it is either go big or go home, even when it comes to CK Preppy Day.
We have this new fad in our warehouse that started up this week. It seems most of the guys back there have acquired scooters and are using them to get around – not just in the warehouse but everywhere! One of the guys, Daniel – our Shipping Team Lead, comes flying in every morning on his scooter and swings through the front office. The speed at which things are getting done in the warehouse has drastically increased.
Another “awesome” reason I love working at CablesAndKits is our heart and passion for the community and helping others. This week, actually today, we are doing a blood drive – the first of many! (Yep, that’s me in the lower left hand corner…with my blood in the picture above me.) It is so cool to know that what we are doing today is helping and saving lives of tons of people that we might not ever meet. We had a lot of people here at the office that had never given blood but were brave enough to step up to the plate. Very proud of them! We would like to encourage you, if you are able, to find your local blood bank and donate and help save a life.
As we observe Good Friday and head into celebrating Easter weekend, our CK “Peeps” wanted to be sure we wished you a happy Easter! Here are a few behind the scene shots of our conditioning peeps working hard on cleaning up and testing a refurbished switch that came in through our CK Buy Back program. Click HERE for the full photo! (No peeps were hurt in the making of this picture). In all seriousness, our whole team would like to wish you a Happy Easter. We hope and pray you have an enjoyable weekend with your family and friends!