In This Issue: Cisco Original 10GBase-SR SFP+ Module | Best Tips for Having a Successful Garage Sale | News to Start Your Day
Calling are bargain shoppers! Today is your day – it’s National Thrift Shop Day! Nearly every town has a thrift shop or second-hand store, so there’s no excuse not to celebrate! What’s your best thrift store find so far?
The CK Daily – Uplifted or Drained?
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! I was in a conversation recently with a friend and we were discussing how spending time with some people can be so uplifting and energizing while spending time with others can be draining and leave you in a bit of a funk. I’m pretty sure everyone has experienced this in life, but sometimes (at least for me) it’s hard to really recognize it in the moment and it can take many interactions with someone before making the connection. I was doing a little reading about this and read that the negative, draining people are sometimes referred to as “energy vampires”. That made me laugh a little, but I guess it gets the point across!
Thinking about this definitely caused me to take a few minutes to stop and self-reflect and ask if I am someone who leaves people feeling uplifted or drained. As humans, we’re all going to have our good moments and our bad (I guess we’re all “energy vampires” at some point!), but the important thing is how we act consistently. At our core, are we someone who looks at the bright side of things and tries to lift ourselves and others up, or are we someone who is constantly being critical and negative, finding fault everywhere we look?
Life is not easy and there are plenty of things that we could be negative about. If we try to shift our perspective a bit, I think we’d find that it makes us happier, and can also have a positive impact on those around us!
Hot Topic of the Day

According to a study published in Scientific Reports, scientists have discovered two new dinosaurs in northwest China, a region where dinosaur fossils had never been found before. They have estimated the Silutitan specimen to be more than 65.6 feet long and the Hamititan specimen to be 55.77 feet long! Read more about the discovery here!
Dinosaurs are pretty mysterious animals and are typically a hit when brought into a conversation! The real question we want to know is what’s your favorite dinosaur? Head on over to the CK Facebook page and share your favorite – bonus points for adding a photo!
Product Spotlights & Updates

Happy Tuesday! Today we’re highlighting the Cisco Original 10GBase-SR SFP+ Module which is 25% off this week so is a great time to snag one if you’ve been thinking about doing so!
The Cisco SFP-10G-SR module gives you a wide variety of 10 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity options for your data center, enterprise wiring closet, and service provider transport applications. This module boasts a variety of features and benefits, including being the industry’s smallest form factor, which results in the greatest density per chassis. The SFP-10G-SR is hot-swappable and can be switched out with ease, making upgrades and maintenance easy. Cisco 10GBASE-SR SFP+ modules also feature Digital Optical Monitoring (DOM) functionality, which allows you to monitor the signal strength, the temperature of the SFP, and the transceiver voltage.
New, factory-sealed Cisco original products, these 10GBASE-SR SFP+ modules support a link length of up to 300 meters on multi-mode fiber. The SFP-10G-SR requires a minimum of OM3 fiber. These SFP+ modules can be deployed in a wide range of networking environments where 10 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity options are needed.
Best Tips for Having a Successful Garage Sale – Ramsey Solutions
Not sure about you, but it seems to be garage sale season! Need some tips on how to have the best garage sale? Enjoy this article from Ramsey Solutions! You can read the full article here!
Looking for some easy ways to make extra money? (Who isn’t?) Maybe you’re trying to ramp up your speed toward that Debt-Free Scream. Or maybe you just want to replace that old nasty couch that’s been Febreezed one too many times.
No matter your reason, one of the tried and true ways to make some quick cash is by having a garage sale. And believe us: There’s nothing better than a garage sale—for the seller and the buyer. You’ve got a well-loved kitchen table that needs to go? There’s someone in the market for that. You’re finally ready to part with those clothes you’ve never worn? Yep—somebody will probably want those too.
If you’re a newbie to the yard sale game, don’t worry. We’ve got all the garage sale tips to help you get organized, price your stuff fairly, and end the day with a handful of cash.
5 Tips for Getting Garage-Sale Ready
1. Clean out your closet.
Sounds simple, but it has to be said. You know that closet in the hallway that you avoid? Yup—the one that you open very slowly in fear that something might fall on you? Yeah . . . it’s time to clean it out. And we mean deep clean. What’s even in there? Decorations from your wedding? Old gifts that you never used or regifted? Clothing that doesn’t fit anymore? Clean it out. And while you’re at it, dig through your garage, basement, attic, other closets, cabinets and under all the beds.
2. Start sorting.
Having a garage sale can be a daunting task, so go ahead and do the major work ahead of time. As you’re unearthing all of those tennis rackets, clothes and old board games, sort them into three basic categories: Keep, Sell and Trash.
3. Get used to the idea.
If you’re not too thrilled about the idea of strangers stopping by your front yard (or if you want to split some of the workload), team up with another family on your block or check with your neighborhood association to see if a community sale is coming up.
4. Set a date.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold your garage sale. Here’s an insider garage sale tip: Consider scheduling it on the first weekend of the month—a lot of paychecks go out at the end of the month, so people will have cash to spend.
5. Stock up on supplies.
You can buy simple pricing stickers and blank labels at the dollar store or any office supply store. Or if you’re wanting to be really budget-friendly, just pick up a permanent marker and masking tape and get to pricing your items. You’ll need to have a table and chairs so you can have a designated area to cash people out (and stay comfortable) on garage sale day.
Today’s News to Start Your Day:
- Home Depot reported a 5.8% drop in customer transactions from a year earlier, but the average ticket was 11.3% larger. The retailer rang up fewer customers as DIY trends have weakened.
- The crowds, who were trying to flee the country a day after Kabul fell to the Taliban, have thinned out. With that, flights have resumed from the airport.
- Amazon plans to film the second ‘Lord of the Rings’ series in the U.K. instead of New Zealand.
- The Los Angeles Lakers trade Gatorade for BioSteel to fill the team’s bench sponsorship.
- The federal government has officially declared the first-ever water shortage in the Colorado River basin, which means mandatory water cuts in some states and Mexico in 2022. The shortage was triggered because water levels in Lake Mead on the Nevada-Arizona border, are projected to drop so low that it can’t meet the water and energy demands of communities in the West.