In This Issue: Cisco3900 ISR G2 Series Router | 7 Tips for Dealing with Uncertainty | News to Start Your Day
Happy Friday & Happy National Road Trip Day! Today is the perfect day to pack up, fuel up, stock up, crank up the tunes, and hit the road! What are your weekend road trip plans?
The CK Daily – Thank you!
Happy Friday! I’m sure I’m not the only one who is looking forward to a long weekend. I’m excited to spend time with friends and family around the pool and grilling some sort of meat (maybe multiple types of meat, haha). As we can enjoy this long weekend, I would encourage us not to forget why we’re celebrating this week. I’m thankful for those we honor on this Memorial Day weekend!
I’m also reminded of a story in the book of Joshua. After the Israelites cross the Jordan River, God instructed them to set up a memorial using 12 stones declaring the mighty works of God. Memorials are a powerful reminder of where we came from.
What is a way that you remember an important milestone in your life?
Product Spotlights & Updates:

Happy Friday! Today we are spotlighting the Cisco3900 ISR G2 Series Router, CISCO3925/K9.
Cisco’s second-generation ISR routers take cost savings and scalability to the next level using high capacity DSPs, a new suite of IOS features, and flexibility via expansion slots. The Cisco 3925 ISR has 3 onboard GE, C3900-SPE100/K9, 4 EHWIC slots, 4 DSP slots, 1 ISM slot, 2 SM slots, 256MB CF default, 1 GB DRAM default, IP Base. Better yet, it delivers highly secure data, voice, video, and application services to small branch offices. This router enables Borderless networks at the branch.
Grab one this week as part of our Deals of the Week and get 25% OFF!
7 Tips for Dealing with Uncertainty – Success Blog
1. Uncertainty is never permanent.
Or better put, uncertainty is always temporary.
No matter what you’re going through, this period of crisis will pass. No matter how long ago March 2020 feels, we all know that at some point our lives will return to normal. Although we don’t know when that will happen, it’s comforting to know that every stressful season of uncertainty is temporary. Hold on to the knowledge that the stress and anxiety has an expiration date, regardless of how acute it feels today.
2. Predictability = safety + security.
In order to feel like we are in control, we need two things: safety and security. Without either, our lives tend to feel like they’re spiraling. That’s why 2020 felt so chaotic and traumatic for so many; our daily routines and coping mechanisms were stripped away because of safety concerns. Without our typical fallbacks, we felt insecure. And for obvious reasons, many of us did not feel safe all year.
3. Hold space for negative emotions.
PSA: It is absolutely OK to not be OK.
Sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary to not feel OK.
We as a culture have a problem with toxic positivity. We love to airbrush over troubled times and pretend that everything is peachy keen, even as the world as we know it is crumbling around us. Thanks, Instagram!
Combat this urge to gloss over the ugly emotions by embracing them. Give them a name. Understand them. Ask them to come inside and offer them a warm beverage and a salty snack. Welcome them with curiosity and compassion. And once you get to know them, release them back to where they came from.
4. Accept your reality.
During times of acute uncertainty, it’s almost instinctual to wish for easier times. We love to recreate reality in our imagination in order to cope.
But we can’t change our reality. And when the dissonance between what we wish was reality and what is actually reality comes to a head, it’s easy to feel despondent and depressed.
Don’t set yourself up for failure. Instead, accept the reality of whatever situation you’re in and work to adapt to that. If you continue to force a false narrative on yourself, you’ll spin your wheels until you are forced to surrender. Instead, get creative within your reality.
5. Simplify your life.
“Michael always says ‘K-I-S-S. Keep it simple, stupid.’ Great advice. Hurts my feelings every time.” –Dwight Schrute
Great show. Great line.
Take it from Michael Scott—If you try to overwhelm yourself with the complexities of life during any time of uncertainty, you’re just piling it on yourself for absolutely no reason.
Go back to the basics. What do you need to accomplish today? You probably need to get out of bed, feed yourself, clean yourself, clothe yourself, do your job (whatever that entails), take time for yourself, connect with others and sleep.
6. Set yourself up for success.
Humans love progression. We like feeling in control of our situations, and we like seeing growth happening right before our eyes. So one of the easiest ways to feel better about yourself during times of acute uncertainty, is to create small actionable goals for yourself to cross off a list.
7. Practice self-care.
Self-care can be defined as anything you do to rest, reset or reflect. At its best, self-care is used to refill your cup. We all need to nourish ourselves and our energy, and the best and fastest way to do this is to engage in self-care.
However, self-care is typically the first thing that goes out the window during times of crisis.
We decide we have to focus on everything else—our jobs, our finances, our families, and our friends. But without caring for ourselves first, the rest of these will inevitably suffer.
Even though it feels impossible, carve out time for yourself.
Want to read the full post, you can find it on Success’s blog here.
Today’s News to Start Your Day:
- As of this morning, in the US, active COVID cases are on a decline and are reported at 5,690,075.
- NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter on Mars has been a story of triumph, and now one of perseverance. After five successful flights, Ingenuity encountered an “in-flight anomaly” during its sixth flight attempt. The helicopter landed safely despite the problem.
- Bitcoin was trading at $35,904 around 6 a.m. this morning and has fallen over 7% in the last 24 hours
- Cases of the Covid-19 variant first identified in India have more than doubled in England within one week.
- Kroger is offering customers, workers or individuals who get the shot the chance to win $1 million or free groceries for a year