Working From The Road | Woodchucks? | Hand Sanitizer Blowout | Egalitarian Time
Happy Thursday!
Welcome to the CablesAndKits CEO daily email. Read more about this email by scrolling to the very bottom.
I am still on the journey home. I left Tampa yesterday and got to Tifton, GA last night around 8pm. I got setup, took the car loose and went to get something to eat (so cool!), and got back and to bed! I have an all day CK strategy meeting today that I will do from the camper. Then I’ll make the final leg home where the wife and girls can see the motorhome. I am excited to see what they think!
Check out the Safety Supply deals Joe mentions below. The hand sanitizer is especially of note – we are blowing it out and starting over. Our sanitizer is not from any factory that had methanol issues by the way! Now that people can get sanitizer in every familiar store it’s time for us to clear the shelves and regroup. Oh, and he now has Lysol spray!
I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard …
A wildlife technician, Richard Thomas, took the famous tongue twister, “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” and calculated a rough estimate of what the answer would actually be. It came out to be around 700 pounds.
Today’s Product Spotlight from Rerun (AKA Rebecca):
Today’s product spotlight features a 10G transceiver that we love! The SFP-10G-LR transceiver module was designed for long-range transmission. It supports 10 Gbps data transfer rates over a distance of 10 kilometers (that’s 6.2 miles!) using singlemode fiber. This hot-swappable SFP+ transceiver is a fantastic option for satisfying connectivity needs in large data centers, enterprise wiring closets, large campuses, and more!
We offer 3 versions of this module:
- Cisco Original – Factory Sealed
- Cisco Original – Refurbished
- CK Branded (Cisco Compatible) – Factory Sealed
From Joe, our friendly Safety Supplies Product Marketer:
It’s Joe, I’m back! I know I missed a day, but I have enough good news for you guys to make up for it! First, we have another new product on the site! For a while now the only disinfectant spray’s we’ve had are Clorox. Well, we finally have a Lysol option available for you guys! This new Lysol All Purpose Cleaner is perfect for all you’re common household surfaces that require frequent cleaning and disinfecting! When it comes to the size and price this is very comparable to our Clorox Cleanup Spray except it doesn’t contain bleach which I know can be an issue in some situations!
Next up, our Children’s masks have seen price cuts across the board! These are the perfect option if you’re looking to stock up. Whether it be for your family or an entire class of children we have a small box of 50 as well larger bulk packs! Each box contains an equally distributed number of patterned masks, there’s both boy and girl patterns as well as neutral patterns for both!
Lastly, being that the week is coming to an end I’d like to remind you guys about some sales we have going on:
- Standard Infrared Thermometer – These will only be on sale through the current stock we have left. With only 44 left you better act fast!
- Bulk Pack of 3-Ply Masks will be on sale throughout the rest of the week. These come packed in boxes of 50 making it the perfect option to stock up!
- Clorox Germicidal Healthcare Spray – This spray is the real deal! Get the same comfort that’s provided by healthcare offices/hospitals when it comes cleanliness.
- Don’t forget we have a TON of Hand Sanitizer on sale! Both individual bottles as well as case quantities perfect for distributing or reselling!
The Unequal Nature of Egalitarian Time – by Gary Epp, Chief Administrative Steward
The world isn’t fair. Personal, corporate, community and national assets are not distributed equally. Intelligence, wealth, and power may vary greatly from individual to individual. Yet, the life distance we measure as a day travels equally for every person on earth. This same window of time is available to all; regardless of individual intelligence, wealth, health or power. However, in retrospect we can see that some periods during our life or business were dramatically more impactful than others. While the seconds, minutes, hours and days march on at a rigid pace, not all days present the same opportunity window.
A former business leader of mine once said that for a stable business with modest growth a year is a year. However, a business experiencing fast growth must treat every quarter as a year and every week as a month; and a business experiencing hypergrowth must respect every month as a year and every week as a quarter. In other words, time is egalitarian (i.e. there are 24 hours in every day for everyone), but time is not equal for all people in all situations.
If it takes a calendar month to develop an “annual” business plan and you are a hypergrowth business, you spent a whole “year” planning and no time executing. If it takes three weeks to close the books and issue financial reports, the “year” in a hypergrowth business is 75% complete before the business know how well it’s doing.
It does not take much thought to identify rate of change as the distinguishing factor between stability and hypergrowth. Time speeds up when my life/business experiences a high rate of change. If I do not recognize times of rapid change and correspondingly adjust the pace at which I plan, decide and act, then I risk falling behind or missing a window of opportunity.
But be careful! In order to appropriately adapt we must recognize that our minds can warp our perspective of time. Consider how often you have heard someone remark how quickly the year has flown. Contrast that with your memories of the interminable wait for Christmas Day as a child. And, if you stop and think for a few moments, you can also recall periods of time as an adult when time seemed to stand still. Don’t ask me how that happens. The best analogy that comes to mind is the difference between high-speed and time-lapsed photography. A high-speed camera takes many frames per second, but when replayed at normal speed gives the appearance of slow-motion. On the other hand, time-lapsed photography compresses time and allows us to actually observe slow rates of change that are undetectable at normal speed.
I can only speculate that our minds possess remarkable potential to adapt to high rates of change. However, extended periods of stability can also slow our minds. This is why bright people with long experience in large corporations may struggle or even fail in a fast-paced entrepreneurial environment.
Bottom line…you must recognize the signs of the time and adjust your behaviors accordingly or risk getting either left behind or overrun. As the iconic American humorist, Will Rogers once said, “You may be on the right track, but if you are just sitting there, you will get run over.”
Putting it into practice. How can I leverage the relativity of time?
- Take time to reflect and train my mind to recognize the present pace of time in my life and business
- Adapt my rhythms of planning, decisions and actions to suit the times
- Take advantage of slower times to crystallize and capture lessons from past failures and successes; so that I am prepared to readily apply them to future problems and opportunities
- Commit to a lifetime of learning. Leverage times of stability to learn new skills and explore new arenas.
I hope you are enjoying these emails. If you are, I appreciate it when you let me know! If not, or if you have ideas for how to improve, by all means, please let me know! Sometimes I “can’t see the forest for the trees”.
As always, please let me know how I can be of service to you. If you need assistance with something, advice, or even if you just need someone to pray for you, I am here and listening.
Craig Haynie – CEO
P.S. Don’t forget to go follow us on Facebook here: CK Facebook Page.
Tech / Business News for Today:
- Right at 26,123,000 cases worldwide, with 18,478,700 people who have recovered, with 868,100 deaths AND 6,291,600 cases in the US with over 3,548,000 people have recovered, with 190,000 deaths.
- United Airlines will furlough more than 16,000 employees once a federal payroll support program expires at the end of September.
- After facing criticism for visiting a San Francisco hair salon that was not cleared to reopen, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) maintained that she had been “set up.” Stating that she did not know about the restrictions.
- Apple invests in the world’s largest onshore wind turbines that will power a Danish data center. The power produced by the turbines will support Apple’s data center in Viborg, which backs Apple’s key products, including the App Store, Apple Music, iMessage and Siri.
- Nearly three-quarters of Americans who plan to travel over the Labor Day weekend will be doing at least some work while away, according to a survey from HomeToGo. Most will stay within 200 miles and a three-hour drive from home, as well. Top destinations range from North Carolina’s Outer Banks to Lake Travis in Texas. Hotels like the St. Regis Aspen Resort in Colorado are crafting “work-cation” packages to meet the demand for office space and work time while on holiday.
- U.S. stock futures were mixed Thursday after the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 454 points, or 1.6%, to its first close above 29,000 since Feb. 20 and to about 1.5% away from its Feb. 12 record high. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq also rallied Wednesday, closing at new highs. For the week, the three indexes were tracking for solid gains. September is picking up where the best August on Wall Street since the 1980s left off.
- Facebook announced Thursday it will ban new political ads from running in the week before the presidential election on Nov. 3. Facebook will still allow political ads submitted more than a week before the election to run.