To all my readers, staff, and friends,
Every morning when my CEO Daily email is sent (I write them the night before) I get tons of positive replies with people commenting on how they look forward to my emails, how they are so real, fresh, and different from anything they receive, and other very nice compliments about our company, our products, and our staff.
Yesterday was not that way.
Throughout the day I learned that some of my staff, my friends, and I’m sure some of my readers were confused and in some cases upset by what I wrote about the current events. My intention certainly wasn’t to offend or hurt those I care about. I wrote the email quickly, casually, and without deep consideration. I also attempted to make a joke which was inappropriate.
I am sorry for my lack of sensitivity. I should have taken a more careful and thoughtful approach to writing such an email. I need to seek to understand (which is one of our values) what people are thinking and feeling, which I have already begun to do and plan to continue to do.
Craig Haynie – CEO