Happy Monday! I hope you have a fantastic week. Remember, your attitude and outlook will control your future more than external circumstances!
I hope you find today’s edition of the CEO Daily helpful. If you have tips, tricks, encouraging words, or something light-hearted to share, please let me know and I will try to include them in future emails! Also, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on any of the subjects below!
Today’s Highlights:
- Face Masks
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Shields
- Thermometers
- Customer Feedback
- Hmmm
- Thing of the Day
- CK Inventory Updates
- COVID-19 updates
Face Masks:
3-Ply Disposable Masks:
Basic 3-Ply Disposable Mask: 20,000 ETA any day now. More avail. Back orders are ok.
- Packs of 10 ($14.95 / $1.49 ea)
- Boxes of 50 ($59.50 / $1.19 ea)
- Cases of 2000 (20 boxes) ($2250.00 / $1.12 ea)
- If you need LARGE Qty email / call me for pricing.
Premium 3-Ply Disposable Mask: 200,000+ arriving Today. Back orders are ok.
- Boxes of 50 ($69.50 / $1.39 ea)
- Cases of 2000 (20 boxes) ($2550.00)
- If you need LARGE Qty email / call me for pricing.
KN95 Masks:
Basic KN95 Mask: 10,000 ETA this week. 30,000 more ETA next week. Back orders are ok.
- Packs of 5 ($19.75 / $3.95 ea)
- Boxes of 10 ($39.50 / $3.95 ea)
- Cases of 1200 (120 boxes) ($4740.00 / $3.95 ea)
- If you need LARGE Qty email / call me for pricing.
Premium KN95 Mask: A little over 1 MILLION in stock (Yes, this is real) (All prices lowered 05-04-2020)*
- Packs of 5 ($24.75 / $4.95 ea)
- Packs of 25 ($118.75 / $4.75 ea)
- Boxes of 50 ($225.00 / $4.50 ea)
- Cases of 1200 (120 boxes) ($5100.00 / $4.25 ea)
- If you need LARGE Qty email / call me for pricing.
The ONLY difference in “Basic” and “Premium” is the premium are IN STOCK from a more expensive vendor, and the basic are arriving more slowly direct from the factory.
For more info about Basic vs Premium masks, see my daily update from 4.29.2020 by clicking HERE.
**IF YOU’VE ORDERED BASIC MASKS AND WANT TO SWITCH YOUR ORDER TO PREMIUM LET US KNOW. Reply to your order confirmation email, or to this email and we will take care of it for you.
*Prices fluctuate up and down based on product availability and cost. We commit to new inventory based on sales. We cannot modify the prices of previous orders. Prices may change daily.
Hand Sanitizer:
16oz Gel: $14.95 – Plenty in stock. Best Seller
1 Gallon Liquid: $69.95 – Over 5000 in stock.
1/2 Gallon Liquid: $39.95 – Stock expected to arrive Tomorrow.
I have 4oz, 8oz, and 1 Gallon gel coming soon. Please let me know your needs for planning purposes.
I am working on sourcing hand sanitizer dispensers – Countertop, Wall Mount, and Floor Stand models for liquid, gel, and foam. Let me know if you have an interest.
Face Shields
Face Shields are now on order! We should have them in stock by roughly the 12th.
You can pre-order HERE.
Note that the image is not 100% accurate. What you see that is blue will be white with no writing.
BY THE WAY, if you wanted custom ones with something printed, or a different color, we can do it! (With appropriate qty)
We now have touchless infrared thermometers on order. – $64.95 ea.
We should receive our first shipment by Thursday, and more by next Tuesday.
You can pre-order them HERE.
Customer Feedback:
Customer Nathan Parker:
Hello again! I featured Cables and Kits tonight in a post on AskWoody.com. Enjoy! – https://www.askwoody.com/forums/topic/the-best-place-to-purchase-networking-hardware/
Wow Nathan! What an honor. I am glad my attempt to help you with such a small thing was inspiring. The truth is, what may seem small to me or you may be a big deal to someone else. Sometimes it’s not about the size or challenge of the problem as much as it is about helping and serving one another with their problems. Thanks so much for the write up!
Do you have a tip, trick, comment, or anything else you would like to share with me and the rest of our customers? Send it over!
See Possibilities – By Michael Hyatt
Have you heard the one about the two salesmen who were sent to a developing country to sell shoes? One called the home office and said, “I’m coming home, nobody here wears shoes.” The other called in and said, “Ship product immediately. Everyone here needs shoes!” Cute story, I know. But it illustrates a vital point for these days: Possibilities are everywhere.
The coronavirus is a threat. The economy is in a shakeup. Entire industries are now closed. Even so, there are opportunities right now. The teleconferencing, telehealth, and product delivery industries are booming. Medical equipment manufacturers are flooded with orders, and some new players are entering the market. People still have a need for virtually everything they needed before the coronavirus. That creates opportunities for those who can see them.
What a great observation. What can or should you do in your business (whether you own it or not) to take advantage of the opportunities we have before us? CablesAndKits is in networking (Cisco switches, SFP Transceivers, Ethernet, Fiber, etc) but TODAY we are also in the Safety Supplies business! Customers asked, and I responded. That is what I do. It’s a bit mad scientist but that’s how almost every new product on our site came to be in the first decade or more of the business. Now there are others on the team that play a huge role in adding products and I look for the opportunities. Are you looking for the opportunities? (Need advice or someone to bound an idea off of? Reply to this post.)
Thing of the day
While on a road trip about 21 years ago I stopped at a music store. I bought the Elton John album Love Songs. I had heard him on the radio a little but didn’t really know who he was. That CD stayed in play for MONTHS … maybe even years, maybe only coming out to make way for other newly acquired Elton albums. I absolutely love the way he plays the piano and his modern voice. I’ve been to at least 15 or 20 concerts, including twice in Atlanta on his most recent Goodbye Yellow Brick Road tour (he claims he is quitting), and was planning to go to NY and see him at Madison Square Gardens which is his favorite venue until the ‘Rona blew up that plan.
All that being said, watch this video below. It was a concert he did several years ago for his 60th birthday.
A few things to note …
- This concert is three hours and eighteen minutes. Almost every concert I have been to has been 2:45-3:15 long. His tour is 2 dates per week like this. I don’t understand how they do it!
- I had never even heard some of these songs before and now they are favorites. 60 years on and Where to now St. Peter to name a few.
- Rocketman (about the 1:22:30 mark) is about 11 minutes long when he plays it live. It’s awesome, especially at roughly the 1:26:00, 1:28:30, and 1:29:30 marks.
I hope you watch, and I hope you enjoy. If you do – let me know!
CK “Work from Home” Inventory Updates:
Update: Nothing new to report. Let me know if you need anything you don’t see. I am probably dropping or reworking this section soon in place of something else. What would you like to see? New products? Other ideas?
Top “work from home / remote working” products. Our team has been working hard to build this section out. If you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know!
Cisco Phones: Sales have been through the roof on our Cisco phones lately: As Trump says, “They are really terrific phones. Very clean, like new, new cord, new box, I don’t know how you would know they were not brand new. Other phones out there? Total disasters! Junk! Don’t even think about it. Believe me”. And he’s right – our phones are PERFECT and a fraction of the cost of new. If we don’t have what you need, let me know.
Real-time inventory on: CP-PWR-CUBE-4, PoE injectors, Cisco AIR-PWRINJ4, AC Power Cords, and Ethernet Cables.
New products in the works: Small (4-6 port) PoE Switches, Webcams, HDMI Cables, HDMI Splitters/Switches, USB Ethernet Adapters, USB-C Hubs, USB-C HDMI Adapters. I would LOVE your opinions as we work to research and add these items. (Or what other items you’d like to see us add?)
Please let me know how I can be of service to you. If you need help, advice, or even if you just need someone to pray for you, I am here and listening.
Craig Haynie – CEO
Today’s COVID-19 Updates:
- Over 1,162,000 people worldwide have recovered and over 178,000 people in the US have recovered!
- Simon Mall Properties, the nation’s largest shopping center operate, begins reopening properties today. In Atlanta, they will reopen five metro Atlanta properties on Monday — Lenox Square, Phipps Plaza, Mall of Georgia, Town Center at Cobb and Sugarloaf Mills.
- France, Italy, and Spain have registered the lowest daily death tolls for weeks as they prepare to ease restrictions. France reported 135 deaths; Spain’s 164 were the lowest since mid-March; and Italy’s 174 was a two-month low.
- Other countries planning to lift some restrictions beginning today include Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Hungary, Monaco, Nigeria, Poland and Portugal.
- President Trump said on Sunday night that the death toll from the coronavirus in the United States might reach as high as 100,000 – far higher than he forecast just weeks ago.
- The number of new coronavirus cases in Russia has risen by 10,581 over the past 24 hours. Russia has now become the 7th worst-hit country in the world in terms of infections.
- New Zealand’s health ministry said as of 9 a.m. local time on Monday, there were no new cases of infection in the country over the last 24 hours. But, one of the probable cases changed to a confirmed case. The total number of confirmed and probable cases of infection in New Zealand is currently 1,487 and most people are said to have recovered while 20 have died.
- Students will start returning to schools across South Korea next week, as the number of COVID-19 cases in the country steadily declines. South Korean Education Minister Yoo Eun-hae announced Monday that high school seniors will return to classrooms on May 13, followed by students in lower grades in phased steps from May 20. The plan is for all schools to be fully reopened by June 1, she said.
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