Goggles in Stock, Case Qty Discounts on Sanitizer, Vanity of Vanities
Welcome to the CablesAndKits CEO daily update. If you are new to CablesAndKits, welcome! This update is sent daily to roughly 25,000 customers and fans of CablesAndKits directly from our CEO, Craig Haynie, and posted to our blog and social channels. We hope you enjoy the fresh content about our products and services, the musings of our CEO, occasional special CEO Daily email subscriber deals, as well as current COVID-19 updates.
My writing is long below, so I am going to get the product updates out of the way first ….
We now have Goggles! https://www.cablesandkits.com/mc/goggles/fam-287/fp-18828/
3.3oz Sanitizer
It should be arriving today! Order individually or by the case!
Case Quantity Discounts
We have added case quantities with discounted pricing for most of our hand sanitizer!
Gallon / Half Gallon / 1 Liter Bottle Pumps
We should have these on Tuesday! We are getting 5000 of them in this delivery and another 25,000 in a week or so. Pre-order!
Happy Friday!
This was a very busy week for me and I sure am looking forward to the weekend! I hope you take time this weekend to relax, recharge, have fun, enjoy family and friends, and enjoy the smallest and simplest things in life! Consider this quote below and how it gives some instruction to life …
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God” – Ecclesiastes 2:34. King Solomon was considered to be one of the richest and wisest rulers to ever live. No matter your stance on God I highly advise you to read the wonderful book of Ecclesiastes. Read just the first chapter and you’ll be hooked! Vanity of vanities .. all is vanity. The sun comes up and the sun goes down. The wind blows and never stops. The rivers flow and the ocean is never full. Nothing new under the sun!
“I the Preacher have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. [13] And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. [14] I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind”
A “striving after the wind”. Imagine trying to catch the wind with your bare hands. Vanity – meaningless. Solomon makes the point that no matter what we do in life, no matter how hard we try, it’s all vanity – at least to us personally, because we will die, and someone will come after us that will do it all over again, or undo what we did. You need to read it for yourself to get the full meaning, but the general idea is ENJOY YOUR SHORT TIME ON EARTH. So, I hope that this weekend, and every day for that matter, you will find enjoyment in even the small things.
For me, I spent the last several years drudging through the day to day. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy life, but not as fully as I could have. At CablesAndKits, believe it or not, the COVID-19 crisis thrust me right into the middle of doing some of what I enjoy the most in my work – solving problems, overcoming obstacles, manufacturing, sourcing and selling products, driving down cost, increasing efficiency, and being creative, which is currently expressed through new product and marketing ideas. What I do is so enjoyable that I tend to take on too much of it, try to bite off more than I can chew – and I often DO bite off more than I can chew. The downside is I don’t get enough rest, and I don’t spend enough time with my family, or with myself (yea that’s a thing). I tend to have a lot more energy than those around me and can therefore run my team ragged if I am not careful. They have gotten pretty good over time at pushing back, or taking the breaks they need to recover, but I have to be conscious of it.
I believe there are seasons in life. In fact Solomon talks about that in Ecclesiastes. He says there is a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. I have often worked in “sprints” where I allow myself to be really busy for a season, but then intentionally slow down for a season. I may be a lot older before I fully understand how this works for me, but I do understand that I do work in “seasons”, and that gives me the strength to push through to accomplish the goal of the season I am in at the time.
That being said, I am (and therefore we are) fully engulfed in a “season” of getting this health and safety products “business” off the ground. My intention, as much as you guys will continue to support us, is to turn this into a “real thing”. One of my skills is finding the most efficient way to do things, to source things, to ship things, etc. I believe that by the time this is all over with we could supply you with these products cheaper, faster, and better than your previous vendors. It just takes time and perseverance, which Lord willing, we have. When it’s all over with we will be a manufacturer, distributor, and retailer of health and safety supplies – of course in addition to the portfolio of networking products we’ve spent 19 years building. It may be a different company name / website. Not sure yet. Again, it depends on how it all plays out.
There are two main points.
- There are seasons of life for all of us, and the more we can recognize what they look like the better we can embrace them for what they are. Some seasons may be more enjoyable than others, or painful, dreadful, dreary, lonely, tiresome, but they all have a chance to work good into our life and heart – if we let them.
- As Solomon said, ALL is vanity – including building a health and safety supplies business. In the midst of it all, we need to enjoy our food, our drink, and the work of our hands. Let’s all make an attempt to “stop and smell the roses”
Have a great weekend!
Please let me know how I can be of service to you. If you need assistance with something, advice, or even if you just need someone to pray for you, I am here and listening.
P.S. Don’t forget to go follow us on Facebook here: CK Facebook Page.
Main Safety Supplies Landing Page: https://www.cablesandkits.com/c/safety-supplies
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Face Protection:
3-Ply Masks:
Quick Ship 3-Ply Disposable Mask – Buy in 10, 50, 2000
Standard Ship 3-Ply Disposable Mask – Buy in 10, 50, 2000
KN95 Masks:
Quick Ship KN95 Mask – Buy in 1, 3, 5, 25, 50, and 1200
Standard Ship KN95 Mask – Buy in 5, 10, and 1200
Face Shields:
Re-usable / Disposable Face Shields
Sanitizers, Dispensers, & Wipes
Hand Sanitizer:
3.3oz Gel | 10oz Gel | 16oz Gel | 1 Liter Gel
4 oz Liquid | 1 Gallon Liquid | 1/2 Gallon Liquid
Disinfectant Wipes:
Single Serve Alcohol Wipes
10, 50, and 60 count wipes coming soon.
Sanitizer Dispensers:
Motion Activated Desktop Dispenser
Wall and Floor Stand models coming soon.
Bottles and Pumps:
Sanitizer Jug Dispenser Pumps
Empty Fillable Bottles
Temperature Detection:
Touchless Infrared Thermometers
Body Protection:
Shoe Covers:
Non-Skid protective shoe covers
Isolation Gowns:
Disposable arm length Isolation Gowns
Nitrile and Vinyl Gloves – Please pre-order to hold your spot!
COVID-19 News for Today
- Over 2,602,000 people worldwide have recovered and almost 500,000 people in the US have recovered!
- Some 2.1 million Americans filed jobless claims last week, raising the total over the past 10 weeks to more than 40 million. The House overwhelmingly passed a bill Thursday to make it easier for small businesses to use federal loans, but Senate leaders have not yet signaled support.
- President Trump is set to outline measures against China on today, as the political fallout over the virus spurs a broader power struggle between Beijing and Washington on trade, finance, and the fate of Hong Kong.
- Vice President Pence is scheduled to visit Georgia on Friday, his second trip in as many weeks to a state that has been among the most aggressive in reopening its economy amid the coronavirus outbreak. He is scheduled to attend a memorial service for Christian evangelist Ravi Zacharias.
- The Republication National Committee is proposing “clean health checks” of all attendees and widespread use of antibacterial gel, among other precautions, if its nominating convention in Charlotte proceeds as scheduled in August.
- Congress and the White House are debating a “return-to-work bonus” this summer, aimed at more than 40 million workers who have lost jobs and filed for unemployment during the deadly pandemic, as an incentive for those who go back to work.
- Yellowstone National Park announced Thursday that it will reopen its three Montana entrances on Monday, as the state’s governor lifts restrictions on out-of-state travel.