We had a “super” fun-filled Q2 staff meeting this week! As you can see the theme of the meeting revolved around super heroes. It was an awesome time recapping the Q1 results and initiatives, then diving deep into some of the awesome things we have planned for the business and our customers for Q2.
For an added bonus here are some more snapshots of what went on at the meeting…
And even more Q2 meeting activities…
We also had a costume contest at the meeting. The best female costume went to Susan, our HR Manager. She was Super HR Woman. (She really is that – with or without the costume!) The best male costume went to James, our Equipment Receiving Team Leader. He was Andre Agassi, with his super-powered tennis racket swing! Congrats to both of them!
Our sales team (plus Cliff, our Inventory Guru) were presented with their certificates for completing the CK Certified Network Essentials Program. Congrats to this session’s graduates! (As you can see, they tried to make the pictures as awkward as possible.)
This week kicked off our Q2 campaign theme. It revolves around how our industry-leading Lifetime Warranty with Lifetime Advance Replacement will make our customers feel like a super hero for their business!
The newest item of CK swag arrived this week! We passed the caps out to the staff this week and have been popping up all around the office. They are pretty nifty if we do say so ourselves.