The Need for Rest | Inspect the Inputs | Goggles? | Prayer Requests
Happy Friday!
Woot Woot! I am going to do some sleeping, some rib cooking, some TV watching, and ……. well, what I mean to say is I am going to do whatever my wife tells me we are doing. Ha! I still have my laptop finishing touches to do, which shouldn’t take long, but I do hope to do all the things mentioned above this weekend. I have learned that the longer and harder I work my brain (and body), the more I need to be intentional about rest and recovery.
I am my best when I am not worn down, and if I go too far it takes much longer to recover. True story – I got so worn down from work once (perhaps about 8-10 years ago) that my wife and I went on a beach vacation for two weeks and the ENTIRE time we were there I never turned the TV on, and we went hardly anywhere – I just laid on the couch staring at the ceiling or sat on the porch watching the ocean. For two weeks. I was that bad off. I let myself get way too far gone from being too overworked.
Since then I have learned that I tend to work in sprints. I will go really really hard for a few months, and then either need a vacation, or a season of going much slower. It’s near super human when I am sprinting but I have to recharge. What I seem to be experiencing now, at age 41 (soon to be 42), are batteries that don’t seem to be charging back up as fast as they used to. Maybe “When you get my age” is really a thing – haha.
Inspect the inputs:
Over time we have tried to build leading indicators and funnels to understand and predict outcomes. Instead of looking at invoicing, which is “staring out the back of the bus”, we look at booked revenue, preceded by a list of other things that begin at activities and actions (like Google Adwords impressions) all the way through site traffic, conversion rate, cart abandonment, etc. It’s scientific, it removes a lot of guessing, and it’s real time. In fact, we have charts that show average site traffic by hour over the last several weeks compared to actual site traffic by hour TODAY. We can tell throughout the day if an hour is off (up or down).
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