I was recently given the opportunity, as a “new guy”, to give my first impression of CablesAndKits concerning the interview process. I guess, since it is still fresh in my mind, I can show you in vivid, accurate portrayal the events that occurred…or at least try to.
My first interview at CablesAndKits was your standard phone interview. Susan asked me a few questions and set up an actual interview with me the following week. I’ve been through several phone interviews before and this was your standard “get to know you before I meet you interview”. Everything after this interview wasn’t so standard.
The first interview I had with CablesAndKits was a group interview with the HR Manager, Susan, the Business Development Manager, Chris, and Alicia, one of the members of the sales team. The first thing I notice during the interview is that I am WAY overdressed. Here I am in a charcoal black suit and a red tie while the people around me are wearing jeans and tennis shoes. In the back of my mind I was wondering [Read more…] about Interview and First Impression of CablesAndKits