I love the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and I like to add “Nor was it built by one person”. What am I trying to get at? Teamwork! I am not writing this blog to lecture you on the definition of teamwork, but express (like how I didn’t use the word explain?) the importance of that simple concept. [Read more…] about There is no “I” in Team CablesAndKits
Archives for August 2010
Running with Scissors
I’ve never really been that big a fan of change. I like my routine. Wake up, eat. Gym, eat. Work, eat, eat, eat. Home, eat then sleep (That’s not a typo, I like to eat that much). So this is how it went Monday through Friday and has been for the years I have worked here.
So, you can image my dismay when management interrupted one of my feedings to introduce us to something that would radically alter not only the way we conduct business while at work, but introduced us to whole new way of thinking in general. To use an analogy from the Bible, they didn’t want to feed us a fish but rather teach us to fish. [Read more…] about Running with Scissors
Building a team of blog minions
I think something is catching on around here. After I knocked the cobwebs off the blog people started coming out of the woodwork with blog ideas. I decided that stealing all their ideas and putting my name on them was wrong (and just too time consuming), so I am doing the next best thing; forcing them to write articles for me!
Changes to the CnK Blog
Well, we have one post under our belt and “that ain’t bad”. (Think Jack Nicholson in the movie Mars Attacks. After Congress was destroyed he said “I want the people to know that they still have 2 out of 3 branches of the government working for them, and that ain’t bad”. The “that ain’t bad” was in that “Typical Jack Nicholson” sarcastic voice making it all the more funny.)
ANYWHO, after bringing the blog back to life we began to make lots of changes to the look and layout as well. Here are some of the changes made so far: [Read more…] about Changes to the CnK Blog
CablesAndKits.com staff abducted by Aliens?
15 Months since the last post. FIFTEEN MONTHS! That is ludacris! (No, wait. Ludicrous, not Ludacris).
Sigh….. what happened?? Are we all just a bunch of fat faces too busy eating Krispy Kreme donuts to lick off our fingers and post a blooming message? It would seem so wouldn’t it. No….. that’s not it. (But please call first if stopping by so we can hide all the donut boxes). [Read more…] about CablesAndKits.com staff abducted by Aliens?